Rapid Fire II Rotation Drill


Rapid Fire II Rotation Drill

Objective: Improve reaction time, footwork, and shot consistency while keeping players engaged and hitting lots of balls.

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Rapid Fire II Rotation Drill

Objective: Improve reaction time, footwork, and shot consistency while keeping
players engaged and hitting lots of balls.


  • Players form two lines
    behind the baseline (one on the deuce side, one on the ad side).
  • Coach or feeder stands at the net
    with a basket of balls.
  • Two players start on the
    baseline, ready to hit.


  1. Coach feeds a ball to the first player in line on
    the deuce side. The player must hit a controlled shot back.
  2. As soon as the ball is hit, the
    player sprints to the end of their line, and the next player steps
  3. The coach alternates feeds
    between the deuce and ad sides, keeping the pace fast.
  4. Players focus on hitting deep,
    consistent shots
    while constantly moving in and out.


  • Forehand & Backhand Focus: Alternate feeds so players hit
    both shots.
  • Target Challenge: Players aim for a specific area
    (deep crosscourt, down the line).
  • Approach & Volley: After hitting a groundstroke,
    the player must move forward for a quick volley before exiting.
  • Doubles Version: Players in pairs—one hits a
    groundstroke, the other volleys, then rotate.


  • Run the drill for 5-7 minutes,
    then switch roles or modify the challenge.

This keeps players moving non-stop, hitting tons of balls, and staying
while improving consistency and footwork!



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