
Store Tab
Set your Store Name, slug, store email and Phone Number. (The slug can simply be the name of your store in lower case letters separated by a “-” in place of spaces. For example: my-store)
Add a logo (recommended size is 125px by 125px).
Add Store Banner (1650x350px) and Mobile Banner (520×250)
Add a Store List Banner. This can be an image or a video. Video’s should be hosted on YouTube and the link pasted into the provided field.
Choose how your store will be visible in the marketplace.

Location Tab
Set your Address, City, Postal Code, Country and State. To set your marker in the map below type in your full address again and allow the autofill to set your map pin.

Shipping Tab
If you do not plan on shipping products you can disable shipping by unchecking the “Enable Shipping” checkbox.
Set your processing time and shipping type.
Shipping by Country: Set a price for shipping and a per additional product/per additional quantity price.
You can offer Free Shipping for orders over a certain amount. To disable Free Shipping this Field should be blank.
Enable Local Pickup as a shipping office to your local customers. You can also set a local pickup cost if applicable.
Make sure you set your country of origin for which the above charges will apply.
Shipping Rates by Country: You can either set a blanket international rate or you can set rates based on certain countries by selecting the country and entering a price. To add another country click the plus sign at the bottom right.
Shipping by Weight: You can offer Free Shipping for orders over a certain amount. To disable Free Shipping this Field should be blank.
Enable Local Pickup as a shipping office to your local customers. You can also set a local pickup cost if applicable.
Country – You can set up weight based shipping per country. Choose the first country in which you want to set the weight calculations. To add multiple countries click the plus icon at the very bottom of this section.
Set a default cost in the case where rules are not met.
Set your first Weight rule, the weight in lbs and the cost. To add another weight rule, click the plus icon directly under the Cost field. You can set up multiple weight rules.

To optimize your store to show up on the most popular search engines like Google and Bing, you’ll want to add some Search Engine Optimization terms.
Add a good SEO Title, meta description and some keywords that describe your store. These can simply be your Title, description and some keywords that pertain to what your store is about.
Add a Facebook and Twitter Title, Description and Image. These are what will display when your store is shared on these platforms.

Other Tabs
Store Policies: Give your customers a detailed explanation of your Shipping, Refund, Cancellation Policies.
Customer Support: Enter customer support details so your customers can contact you or your staff if issues arise.
Store Hours: Enable or Disable Store Hours. Enable or Disable your customer’s ability to purchase your products during off hours. Set the days of the weeks that you’re off work. Set the days you work and the hours that your store is open.

Step 1: What type of Product is it?
Select “virtual” if your product is online but NOT downloadable. Select “downloadable” if you will be uploading a file that your customer can download. Most products will fit into this category. Leave both boxes unchecked if it is a physical product that is to be shipped.
Step 2: Title, Price & Description
Enter a Title for your product, a price and in the boxes below enter both a short and full description of your product.
There is an option to enter a sale price to offer a temporary discount. You can also schedule a sale by clicking on the “schedule” link underneath the “Sale Price” field.
Step 3: Photo(s)
Click on the top photo box to add your featured image for your product. Any other photos can be added to the gallery by clicking on the smaller box below. If you do not have a photo for your product visit this page for downloadable thumbnails for your product’s corresponding sport.
Make sure your product has an image. Images make your product stand out more in the marketplace.
Step 4: Category, Age, Gender, Sport, Tag
Select the appropriate Category, Age Group, Gender, Sport for your product. If your product corresponds to multiple fields you can select more than one. For example, if my product is a drill for the offense, applies to all ages and genders in Baseball and Softball, I will select “Drills,” “Offense,” all three age groups, both genders, “Baseball,” and “Softball.”
Add any other tags in the tag field that pertains to your product. These might be keywords that a user might type in looking for your product.
Step 5: Manage Stock
If your product is a virtual or downloadable product you can skip this step. If your product is a physical product and want the system to manage your stock as you sell check the “Manage Stock?” checkbox. Once you’ve checked that box the “Stock Qty” field will open. Enter how many you have in stock from there. You can also allow backorders and fix it to where only one item can be sold at a time.

Step 6: Downloadable
This is the section where you will Name your downloadable file and upload the file to our servers. Set a download limit or allow your customer to download it an unlimited amount of times. You can also set an expiration on the downloadable files.

Step 7: Shipping & Tax
For physical products you will need to set up your shipping policies and prices in your vendor dashboard. Once set up you can set shipping for your product accordingly.
Tax rates are figured automatically in our system and all products should be set to “Taxable” and the “Standard” tax class.

Step 8: SEO & Product Policies
In order for your product to be found by popular search engines you will need to add keywords that pertain to your product and a meta description (which is just a description of your product).
If your product requires a unique policy you can override your store privacy policy and enter it here.

Open your PDF Document
In order to offer your client a preview of your document open up your document in Adobe Reader.
Open Snip & Sketch (Windows)
On your windows PC open snip & sketch. Click on New and select the portion or portions of the document that you want to preview. Once selected Save the snipped image as a file. If you want for them to be able to preview multiple pages you will need to select each page individually.
Partial Screen Capture (Mac)
On your Apple computer Hold down the Control, Shift and 5 Key at the same time. A cursor will come up to select part of your screen. Select the portion of the document that you want to preview. Once selected Save the snipped image as a file. If you want for them to be able to preview multiple pages you will need to select each page individually.
Upload to Gallery
Once you have your preview images saved, upload them to your gallery for your product.